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Любі патрони, за цей місяць не назбиралось багато запитань від вас на Q&A (зазвичай їх можна скидати у нашому Телеграм-чаті, посилання на який можете знайти в особистих повідомленнях). Тому додатково пишу цей пост, щоб тут могли лишити свої запитання ті, хто не приєднався до чату.

Dear patrons, this month, I didn't receive many questions from you for a Q&A video (usually they are sent in our Telegram chat, a link to which can be found in your personal messages). Therefore, I am additionally writing this post so that those who did not join the chat could leave their questions here.



I was asking (above, but now deleted) about the traditional song - and then found your answer below. Much love from Canada.


Was that the question about a "stolen song"? I'm sorry for not answering quicker, these two weeks have been insanely busy