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! English subtitles have been added to the parts where I speak Ukrainian. Also, automatic subtitles are available for the parts where I speak English (those can also be used for automatic translation into any language)

00:00 Всім привіт / Hi to everyone

01:21 Виступ для світового банку / Performance for the World Bank

02:14 Прогулянки у лісі / Walking in the woods

04:35 Досвід публічних виступів на вулиці /Experience of public performances on the street

06:15 Поляниця /Polianytsia

07:43 Переклад "Ой, у лузі червона калина" / Translation of "Oi u luzi chervona kalyna"

09:25 Стрічки та ракурси у відео / Ribbons and angles in the video

14:07 Синхронізація різних партій у піснях / Synchronizing different parts in a song

15:33 Критерії вибору пісні / Criteria for choosing a song

18:02 Шо по русні? *Read the explanation below :)

18:11 What do you want everyone to know about Ukraine? / Що ти хочеш, аби всі знали про Україну?

20:39 How the war affected you? / Як війна вплинула на тебе?

25:34 Favourite Ukrainian singers or bands / Улюблені українські співаки або гурти

27:31 Collaborations with other youtubers / Колаборація з іншими ютуберами

30:26  Did you expect to have one day an international fanbase? / Чи ти очікувала колись мати міжнародну фанбазу?

34:05  What responsibility(ies) are you adopting today that will lead to happiness years from now? / Які обов'язки ти береш на себе сьогодні, щоб вони привели до щастя через багато років?

36:20 Common Ukrainian phrases for chastising problematic cats / Українські фрази для присоромлення проблемних котів

37:30 Story behind Siuil a Run / Історія за Siuil a Run

39:12 Life in Rivne during this war / Життя у Рівному під час цієї війни

42:57 Riding a motorcycle / Їзда на мотоциклі

44:11 Hopes for the future of Ukraine / Сподівання щодо майбутнього України

46:49 Дякую!!! / Thank you!!!

EXPLANATION OF "Sho po rusni? - Rusni pyzda" at 18:02

I couldn't find a good translation behind these phrases so I decided to give a more detailed explanation to give you some context. Because translating it as simply "What about Russians? - Russians are fucked" isn't really showing all the subtle emotions and meanings of these phrases that have become an inside joke, a meme, and a password at the same time.

Here, the word "rusnia" is used. It's a derogative term we use when speaking about those Russians who have brought war to Ukraine, as well as those who support this war, love Putin, hate Ukrainians, and in general have zero skills in critical thinking.

So, this small dialogue will mean something like this:

- What about rusnia? (which also can mean What are the news about rusnia? or What's the state of rusnia?)

- Rusnia is fucked. (which also means rusnia has been fucked and rusnia is going to be fucked).

I also want to write a couple of words about my phrase "Everything will be Ukraine". It's a very beautiful and warm phrase that derives from "Everything will be ok", and it basically means "Everything will be ok in Ukraine"


April 2022 Q&A Video

! English subtitles have been added to the parts where I speak Ukrainian. Also, automatic subtitles are available for the parts where I speak English (those can also be used for automatic translation into any language) 00:00 Всім привіт / Hi to everyone 01:21 Виступ для світового банку / Performance for the World Bank 02:14 Прогулянки у лісі / Walking in the woods 04:35 Досвід публічних виступів на вулиці /Experience of public performances on the street 06:15 Поляниця /Polianytsia 07:43 Переклад "Ой, у лузі червона калина" / Translation of "Oi u luzi chervona kalyna" 09:25 Стрічки та ракурси у відео / Ribbons and angles in the video 14:07 Синхронізація різних партій у піснях / Synchronizing different parts in a song 15:33 Критерії вибору пісні / Criteria for choosing a song 18:02 Шо по русні? *Read the explanation below :) 18:11 What do you want everyone to know about Ukraine? / Що ти хочеш, аби всі знали про Україну? 20:39 How the war affected you? / Як війна вплинула на тебе? 25:34 Favourite Ukrainian singers or bands / Улюблені українські співаки або гурти 27:31 Collaborations with other youtubers / Колаборація з іншими ютуберами 30:26 Did you expect to have one day an international fanbase? / Чи ти очікувала колись мати міжнародну фанбазу? 34:05 What responsibility(ies) are you adopting today that will lead to happiness years from now? / Які обов'язки ти береш на себе сьогодні, щоб вони привели до щастя через багато років? 36:20 Common Ukrainian phrases for chastising problematic cats / Українські фрази для присоромлення проблемних котів 37:30 Story behind Siuil a Run / Історія за Siuil a Run 39:12 Life in Rivne during this war / Життя у Рівному під час цієї війни 42:57 Riding a motorcycle / Їзда на мотоциклі 44:11 Hopes for the future of Ukraine / Сподівання щодо майбутнього України 46:49 Дякую!!! / Thank you!!! EXPLANATION OF "Sho po rusni? - Rusni pyzda" at 18:02 I couldn't find a good translation behind these phrases so I decided to give a more detailed explanation to give you some context. Because translating it as simply "What about Russians? - Russians are fucked" isn't really showing all the subtle emotions and meanings of these phrases that have become an inside joke, a meme, and a password at the same time. Here, the word "rusnia" is used. It's a derogative term we use when speaking about those Russians who have brought war to Ukraine, as well as those who support this war, love Putin, hate Ukrainians, and in general have zero skills in critical thinking. So, this small dialogue will mean something like this: - What about rusnia? (which also can mean What are the news about rusnia? or What's the state of rusnia?) - Rusnia is fucked. (which also means rusnia has been fucked and rusnia is going to be fucked). I also want to write a couple of words about my phrase "Everything will be Ukraine". It's a very beautiful and warm phrase that derives from "Everything will be ok", and it basically means "Everything will be ok in Ukraine"



Do you feel that there is a gap in perceptions with foreigners about the tampering of the language, culture and history of the Russian Empire? Most people in Japan are unaware of Russia's inhuman rule. Therefore, few people can understand the strong motivation of the resistance movement against Russian rule. What do you think about this point?


I am just amazed while listening and watching you here. You are brilliant, open, genuine, perceptive, well, a whole list of descriptors and much beyond what any words can describe. When you say you want to be true to yourself and take each day as it is given you without great thought for the future that seems so present oriented. Living fully in the now. My education and career has been in the social sciences and humanities. The way you describe the depth of sadness at the start of Putin's War on Ukraine , the fear of being bombed and the sleeplessness and then the ability to forge on and find some peace speaks so clearly of the human drive to survive. Your survival instinct kicked in strongly as it should. Many of my clients in my work were victims of terrible abuse and neglect, Children and adults. And most survived, Remarkably. Many Ukranians will likewise survive, yet the losses and the memories will linger forever. I think it's right for you to be a bit leary of stage performances and riding in vehicles. It's you and it's based on some rational logic. Vehicles are dangerous and yet accepted as common today. Good to trust your instincts and listen to yourself. Please, keep it up. You do it all so well. Patrick P.S. your English accent reminds me of the Brits around London. Definitely not American and thats nice.