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00:00 Всім привіт! 

01:42 Як ти ставишся до російського року? 

03:26 Про каву/чай/кружки 

06:18 Чи хотіла б на Comic Con Ukraine?

07:30 Чи звали на нові інтер'ю після 1+1? 

08:18 що мотивувало дістати арфу? Які плани? 

16:27 Як заняття вокалу? 

21:52 Чи збираєшся цього літа у відпустку і куди? 

25:28 Як зі спортом справи? 

30:45 Трішки новин і велике дякую!!!


June 2021 Q&A Video

00:00 Всім привіт! 01:42 Як ти ставишся до російського року? 03:26 Про каву/чай/кружки 06:18 Чи хотіла б на Comic Con Ukraine? 07:30 Чи звали на нові інтер'ю після 1+1? 08:18 що мотивувало дістати арфу? Які плани? 16:27 Як заняття вокалу? 21:52 Чи збираєшся цього літа у відпустку і куди? 25:28 Як зі спортом справи? 30:45 Трішки новин і велике дякую!!!



Are you a member of the Ukrainian Mafia? I ask because you keed taking things from me, valuable things.


I am not quite sure I fully understood your spoken Ukrainian, yet, but I will comment on what I think you may be saying. Disclaimer: I am not a nice guy, never have been – I just tell the truth as I see it, and if one sucks at something, I will tell them. If they are great at something, I will tell them that as well. Start: You Video Hello Everyone. Incredible Napoleonic plans for night aviation for filming a new video, many hours of video, and sleepless nights but I need sleep now . . . . ME : Hum. Ok. I believe I am missing something in the translation. But it sounds like you are working very hard generating video material, hours of video material, and editing the video to generate your end video for use. You believe it might be better to sleep a little and not try to do it all in one day. I agree, but I like it. You are not only a beautiful and talented woman but also a hard-working woman. I do not get to see such a combination in the USA very often – we usually get one or the other (beauty or competence, not both). 2:00 How do you like Russia Year I am not sure I understand this part. I am not too familiar with the “Russian Year” concept. I believe we call it the “Year of the Russians.” To me, the “Russian Year” is a festival that symbolizes the great musical talents when Tchaikovsky was alive. The Russian and Ukrainian areas have produced some great good people and great bad people. Whatever you guys decide to do, you do it well (good things or bad things – I guess it is impossible to have one without the other). If you have not done something, it is because you have yet to try. I like that about you guys. 3:26 Coffee or tea? It seems you like coffee well diluted with milk. I will remember that. 6:18 Comic Con Ukraine Are you thinking about not going to Comic-Con (if it is held)? Are you kidding? Everyone would love to see you at Comic-Con. How do I know? I can see the future even though I do not have a time machine. LOL. Actually, I simply cannot imagine why anyone would not want you there – thus – it is a guess. 7:30 New Interviews after 1 + 1 It sounded like you said: “ I didn’t have a snowball after that.” LOL. You and I would have some funny Ukrainian language conversations. I am not sure what 1 + 1 means. I will skip this one. 8:18 Harp Question Again, I found myself guessing about your meaning, and I am not quite sure I fully understood your Harp reply – still learning to understand spoken Ukrainian, and you talk fast, beautifully fast. But it seems you like the “timber” of harp music. “Timber” in English is the quality of a sound that makes it unique – how one can recognize a friend’s voice (for example) from all other voices. The timber of an acoustic guitar is different from the timber of an electric guitar, or a first guitar from a second guitar, or a piano/guitar/ violin from a harp. Perhaps “timber” is the correct word. I have been to Europe many times, lived in the UK while studying law at the University of London. I traveled to most places in Europe but not the Ukraine – boy, how I now realize what a stupid mistake. While I was at Piazza San Marco’s, Venice, a guy was playing the harp so the tourist would give him money or buy his CD. Something about harp music that sets it apart from other instruments. I purchased his CD and still have it today. Of all the things in my memory about Piazza San Marco, and I remember just about everything I see (such is more a curse than an asset), the harp music memories are the strongest. I believe my fiance and I fell in love there (I did anyway) and probably would have been married there had she not died before we were married. Anyway, the harp music made the atmosphere so romantic. 16:27 Vocal Coach Trouble finding a vocal coach? I understand – for you will need a vocal coach more advanced than your current talents – that will be difficult. 21:52 Vacation You want to go on vacation but not sure when and where and you do not want you “киця” to destroy your couch? Is the translation “киця” “pussycat”? LOL, we do not use that term much in English these days. Americans are too childish at times when it comes to “risky” language. You would like to visit a more remote area with nature and woods, birds, bees, and honeycomb trees (and ticks). I lived in the city for many years. I now live in the country, and I like the country best. I have set up my office computer systems so that I can work from anywhere with the internet. I am not sure I will ever go back to the city. 25:28 Sports I am not a big sports fan either. That said, I was a fanatic about weight lifting and martial arts before I had to start spending my days reading and writing. I now read about 7 hours a day and write for another 3 to 4 hours, having to learn some new invention or electronic device or concept in enough detail to draft a patent application on the device. Such often makes my brain hurt at the end of the day. I have been living such a life for many years now. I still try to maintain my physical fitness level, but such is difficult as it takes time. I use to lift weights about 2 hours a day and then practice martial arts about 2 hours a day after work. Now I do not seem to have much time to do anything but reading. I am not complaining, I love to read – reading is the most powerful skill a human can develop. I am not sure I love to read; I believe it is more accurate to say I love what reading does for me. As for working out, I still do it but just to maintain, not to get better. When I was younger, I became a blackbelt so that I did not have to fight because I did not want to hurt people. I never have, and I do not know why. No one taught me these things; I simply just did not want to hurt things. But I hung around a rough crowd at times, and a man has an ego that does not let him walk away from a fight and keep his ego intact. So I became the best blackbelt I could be, not to fight and hurt people, but to be able to walk away from a fight and keep my ego intact. Out of all the things I have accomplished to date, my proudest achievement is that I have never hurt another living thing, including people. I believe martial arts made achieving such a goal possible. I know it sounds cheesy, but I like the superman concept. Not that I am a superman, far from it. But I believe a man should have the power to be a monster and do great harm, but to always use such power to help others and protect his family, not hurt others. Such is why I work out and exercise.