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I finished writing the 21st and final chapter of The Ample Lake Burster yesterday (I try to stay about 3 or 4 chapters ahead in case illness prevents me from writing one week, and to give myself time to prepare for future projects). This means I've begun preparing for the next serialized novel.

At this moment, the plan is to write a sequel to The Mana Vessel. It will again focus on inflation (though will likely have far less implied popping) and the continuing adventures of Conway and Tavo. Things could change if the plot I've got in mind doesn't come together, but I have a good feeling things should work out. After that has been serialized, there's a good chance I'll pseudo-sequel to City of Gains (same setting and city, mostly different characters). That's far enough in the future that I can't be for certain, though.

I hope y'all continue enjoying the rest of The Ample Lake Burster, and look forward to more on the horizon!


Carlin Riley

Omg I can’t wait for a second City of Gains!!


I always wondered if you wrote the whole novel out before hand or did each chapter week by week. Crazy that you could predict how many chapters it would be all the way back at the beginning!


I write pretty extensive outlines, which generally gives me an accurate idea of the number of chapters.