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Here's the 12th chapter of my serialized inflation novel, "The Ample Lake Burster".

Abel goes to the mess hall to drown his sorrows in marshmallows and beer.



Now there's a fun an unique popping worthy of a horror film!


It's a scenario I've been wanting to write for literally years now. I originally thought it up as a way to burst Raf >:3


Well, so much for Able being the 'final girl'! I guess pathos, a deep backstory and a good reason for revenge doesn't go far in protecting a character here. I'm still not 100% certain I believe this is a supernatural story and not a fake out, but the chances it being otherwise are dwindling. Who could restrain the big wolf with no effort, why, it'd take an elephant level strength... but we know that Webb was attacked by a slim guy, and the Sheriff is a fatass... could it be several killers working together?... but they are sticking 'in character' quite hard....