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Happy Saturday!

Short week this week for the Thanksgiving holiday–

-No shows on Thurs and Fri!
-Tim and I are gonna do a short update at the beginning of the stream on Tuesday to give you all the updates and rollout plans for the outstanding Studio Launch stream milestones!
-Bless and Roger are gonna be recording the AMA this week, so get your questions in! kindafunny.com/ama
-It's that time of year again! Please fill out this Patreon survey with your feedback! We will be posting another one publicly next week but please only fill out this one since it has a lot of Patreon-specific questions! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0Yeahha3Aan4wl3bdgZA5S4Ps8JHF1Fe74QjwRv3FfdPQiA/viewform?usp=sharing

MONDAY: -10am PT: KFGD with Tim and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT) -11:30am PT: Stream with Mike, Nick, and Andy (Twitch and KFG YT)  -11:30am PT: PSILY with Greg, Bless, and Janet (Patreon live recording)  -3:15pm PT: KF Podcast with Greg, Tim, Nick, Andy, and Brandon Jones (Patreon live recording)

TUESDAY: -6am PT: PSILY and KF Podcast posts on YT/podcast services -10am PT: KFGD with Bless and Mike (Twitch and KFG YT) -11:30am PT: Mini Update stream with Joey and Tim (Twitch and KFG YT) -3:15pm PT: Gamescast with Tim, Bless, and Andy (Patreon live recording)

WEDNESDAY:-6am PT: Gamescast posts on YT/podcast services  -10am PT: KFGD with Andy and Bless (Twitch and KFG YT) -11:30am PT: Twitch Stream with Mike, Nick, and Andy -3:30pm PT: Xcast with Mike, Gary, and Parris (Patreon live recording)




The survey might get more responses if it gets its own post. Also, this post is public so any freeloader could skew the results 😂