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It's your update on the newest Miller!

YouTube - https://youtu.be/1yY4xWK4UhA

Thank you for the support! 



What’s up greg! So I’ve got a couple questions that all tie into each other. I just recently found out my wife and I are pregnant. I’m excited and nervous and all the other emotions that come with knowing I’m bringing another life into this world with the woman I love more than anything in this world. Do you have any advice for a upcoming father from your experience now with ben, it would be greatly appreciated. Second question is would you care to take a guess at when the baby will be born, when you and gen were pregnant with ben I had made a guess as to the time and date and was off by about an hour or so. We’re expected to be due by February 7th of next year. Just wanna say a giant thank you for everything you and the kinda funny crew have done for my life. I’m hoping when my child gets older they can become a future trog as well and go to a kinda funny live or any event and enjoy in the banter with everyone


As a long time dog walker who’s had a lot of dogs pass away, move or just stop having me be in their life I always love hearing about your love for both Porty and now Cole. Sometimes I feel dumb or just that I’m being too emotional when I cry over them (or my own two pets cats) so yeah, it’s nice to see from someone else.