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Tim and Bless join Greg to talk about YOUR Final Fantasy memories!

YouTube - https://youtu.be/XSuYpwCbwms

Thanks for the support! 



Ff6,ff7 & ff9 will always be my favorite ff. Not even ff16 will come close.


7 was my first, and I didn’t care for it at the time, but I was poor so that was the one game I got that year. Played it begrudgingly for a very, very long time. Even after finishing it I wasn’t too happy with it, but after time and actually thinking about it - it grew on me. 12 was the next one I jumped into, and I’ve gotten about 20 hours into it 6 or 7 times. I liked what I played, but keep getting pulled away. 16 is the one that has got me. My GotY so far, for sure.