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Greg hangs out with a live chat for an hour!

Youtube - https://youtube.com/live/hub6D1WwqNA

Thanks for the support! 


Shawn (AKA ShabeRaven)

"Shabe" is pronounced like "shade" but with a "B". Raven is a separate word. Just ask Mike who the guy with the mini gun in Metal Gear Solid is and he'll pronounce it right for you.

Mitch Krassin

What do you enjoy most and fear most being a boss? Just got a new boss and realized how lucky I've been having great bosses most of my life.


Sad I couldn’t make it but love you did tie

Jared R

Seeing your live reaction to E3 was great


Follow-up for previous Gregway: I asked your favorite E3 moments since I always thought there was a negative aura around the event — people talking shit about it and whathaveyou. In retrospect, I think a lot of that negativity came from Geoff Keighley's Twitter 😅. And other opinions I've seen over the last few years have been about E3's dying and not necessarily shitting on the event itself. I never attended so I'm a bit of an outsider looking in, and didn't totally grasp people's feelings about E3 (still don't honestly haha).