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Greg's got a jumbled mess of thoughts to shout at you.

Youtube - https://youtu.be/uk-GEQ9If5E

Thanks for the support! 


Brandon K Gann

Hi Greg. I can't make the live Gregway in a couple days because of that irritating thing called a "job" (0/10. Wouldn't recommend), but inspired by both the recent Remember Midnight Launches? episode and the Remember _____ google doc you created, I wanted to paste the comment I left on said Remember Midnight Launches Patreon Post, because I think what I had is a neat idea and with the exception of Gregways, it seems like many Patreon posts don't get read/responded to. All of this said, it's a long post, not necessarily meant to be read like a question on a regular Gregway episode, just something I feel yourself and some of the other KF crew would appreciate. Here it is below, in its entirety, and while I don't necessarily think you'll go through it all because of how busy you are (or even these preamble paragraphs), I do immensely thank you for any time you've given to reading. Have a great day! OG POST: I'm going to pitch something that I think would be neat, but I'm not sure it's ever viable (Plus I'm sure hardly anyone ever reads these Patreon comments): Throw your own midnight launch. Now hear me out: Ya'll have a dope space you guys want to throw live-events sometime right? So what if you did a live-stream (say, six hours in total), where its a run-up to the launch of a major game and everyone at KF who is interested (plus any friends in SF at the time) could take part. Take Greg's suggestion of Spider-Man 2 as an example. Say you start the stream four hours before the game goes live for everyone, and you can fill (a chunk of) that time doing a live Gamescast talking about both Spider-Man and Miles Morales, perhaps while someone is live-playing one or both as B-roll, all the while having a countdown clock ever present on stream (Maybe the video wall too?). Then right at launch, you could have someone start a fresh playthrough of the new game and go for a couple hours for those who can't play their own copy at that time for whatever reason. Just a thought and a VERY rough outline (Plus with getting code early, many will have already played for embargo and may not be interested in re-playing the first bit of it.), but still, generating a midnight launch and have all the KFBFs tune in and make it feel like a community event, regardless of where anyone in the world is located, would probably go over quite well. And again, it could be for any major game: Tears of the Kingdom? Revisit Barrett's Zelda in Review, and maybe have a panel to discuss the series while ya'll skim through his video. Street Fighter VI? How about a KF member tournament of any Street Fighter game for fighting game bragging rights and winner gets the character of their choice leading into a few launch matches (probably with those in-person because online servers could be, you know, eeeeehhhhhh). And since there's only a handful of major games each year when the majority of the KF crew care about the same game, it can be a special thing that happens only two to four times a year. As I said, this is only a rough idea that came to me after watching the video and I'm sure no-one will see this, but it would be really neat to do this for any of the big games in the future.