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Remember when people used to stand outside in the line the cold all night long for console and video game midnight launches?

Youtube - https://youtu.be/q81-B_gQS6I

Thanks for the support!


Brandon K Gann

Loved this. I'm going to pitch something that I think would be neat, but I'm not sure it's ever viable (Plus I'm sure hardly anyone ever reads these Patreon comments): Throw your own midnight launch. Now hear me out: Ya'll have a dope space you guys want to throw live-events sometime right? So what if you did a live-stream (say, six hours in total), where its a run-up to the launch of a major game and everyone at KF who is interested (plus any friends in SF at the time) could take part. Take Greg's suggestion of Spider-Man 2 as an example. Say you start the stream four hours before the game goes live for everyone, and you can fill that time doing a live Gamescast talking about both Spider-Man and Miles Morales, perhaps while someone is live-playing one or both as B-roll, all the while having a countdown clock ever present on stream (Maybe the video wall too?). Then right at launch, you could have someone start a fresh playthrough of the new game and go for a couple hours for those who can't play their own copy at that time for whatever reason. Just a thought and a VERY rough outline (Plus with getting code early, many will have already played for embargo and may not be interested in re-playing the first bit of it.), but still, generating a midnight launch and have all the KFBFs tune in and make it feel like a community event, regardless of where anyone in the world is located, would probably go over quite well. And again, it could be for any major game: Tears of the Kingdom? Revisit Barrett's Zelda in Review, and maybe have a panel to discuss the series while ya'll skim through his video. Street Fighter VI? How about a KF member tournament of any Street Fighter game for fighting game bragging rights and winner gets the character of their choice leading into a few launch matches (probably with those in-person because online servers could be, you know, eeeeehhhhhh). And since there's only a handful of major games each year when the majority of the KF crew care about the same game, it can be a special thing that happens only two to four times a year. As I said, this is only a rough idea that came to me after watching the video and I'm sure no-one will see this, but it would be really neat to do this for any of the big games in the future.


Omfg one of your slack notifications went off and I panicked so hard 🤣

Jeff Freeman

I’ll never forget the 360 launch. Waiting all night outside Walmart with a bunch of strangers. I got there super early and was like 3rd in line. There was such a party atmosphere. People had heaters set up, I was playing cards with strangers. We were all just so excited. There must’ve been at least a hundred in line and there only ended up being 8 consoles. 4 arcade and 4 with a hard drive. I was so stoked to be one of the few to get one.