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Joey laments about being in a movie and game funk.

Youtube - https://youtu.be/A0ElEo7RIL0

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Jared R

I love Greg so much, but I really really like this rotating cast version of the daily vlogs a whole lot. I really wouldn’t be opposed to it being permanent

Jared R

Oh Greg is definitely bread and butter. I just mean I wouldn’t mind seeing some other faces even when it’s not “necessary” to


I would love to hear your thoughts on “you” season 4 if you’ve seen part one, I remember you mentioning the show either after season 2 or 3


The Menu on HBO Max was actually entertaining. You could get a kick out of it.


Just a note for Greg who may be poking comments: I hope everything and everyone is doing ok


I watched a couple eps of it and just didn't vibe with it at all! First time in awhile I haven't finished a season of something I was pretty invested in.


Don’t know why this movie popped into my head cause it’s a few years old at this point but Mr. Right with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick. It’s a little odd though lol