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Miniza asks the question so many have wondered -- how did Kinda Funny get Hideo Kojima to introduce the Spare Bedroom?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1DHseSIy5A&feature=youtu.be



Thank you :)


Wow, that's so thoughtful of them to not only do it but to do it so carefully


My favorite part is "i just want to make this video wall a video floor. Will it work probably not... but what if it did?" In true Tim fashion its the hypest sh*t ever


Congratulations on everything, Greg! Y'all have been apart of my life for so long, and seeing this studio is so incredible. Can't wait for all the content and good times to come from it! Fair warning, my question is a bit of a heavy topic. My wife's grandfather is going to be going through chemotherapy and radiation. While obviously there's no catch all solution, is there any advice on foods or drinks he could have, and what we should prepare for and can do to be as helpful and understanding while he goes through this process? He is essentially my wife's father, and this is the first time someone close to us has gone through something on this level at this point in our lives. I appreciate anything you can say that would be even a little bit helpful :)


When you setup the termometer im sure you were all hoping to reach 100k and beyond (BEYOND!) Was there a discussion internaly about: "100k is the dream but we will be perfectly fine if we reach ___"? I understand if you dont want to share this :)


Or to rephrase how dependant is the success of the business on the termometer?


Can we steal Carboni?