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Heya everyone,

Here is the 10 minutes video for August :

Shower party, part 3


Password : Patreon_SHOWERParty_part3-10minutes

Have fun watching !!!


P.S. : take note that the video will be available until November 1st 2017



could you reupload the older 20$ vids as 10$ tiers, before you changed the them?


Heya Hurradiegams, all older posts are as is, I mean as $20 rewards. It'd be unfair for all the people who paid $20 each month for the videos to offer them as $10 tier rewards today. As my introduction says, you can pledge $20 for one month and during that month you can download all the previous videos without a problem. After that, you simply lower your pledge back to $10 so you keep access to the rewards of the coming months. Thank you for understanding !


Where is Septembers stuff?


one must have patience... :) (like I did waiting for the power to come back on after 5 days only to find out the internet service was down too and took an extra 4 days for that :P ) if I can last 9 days without both of them, I can wait as long as it takes for September's posts to come :)


Thanks William :) I'm also trying to animate a horse for some future videos, so got a lot of stuff going on. Also have a new day job, which makes everything more difficult, but I'll still give you guys some nice bones to bite on. :)


I quite understand... sometimes even old jobs can become difficult if things change with it :) bones? gnaw om nom nom :D