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Apparently 1 weeks equals 2 weeks on my time perception, and I'm sorry for making you wait. But hey, maybe I'll make you wait even more!

That aside, sorry for taking so long on this specific set of kinky "Pinky" princess images. I just made like 3 of them and couldn't decide in which order to make dialogues for them and have them show the alts coherently via images only, so I decided to make a short interactive gallery that OBVIOUSLY grew into a micro-visual novel. Emphasis on ᴍɪᴄʀᴏ btw, just adjusting your expectations for something that should've taken just 1 week instead of like 99.

Well, it would've taken 1 week if Flash and AS2 were still viable technologies, but since the world collectively decided to hate them, I had to struggle with creating this on HTML5 and Javascript. I know programmers out there would scoff at me, but hey: yeah just go ahead I guess.

For now, I think the basic structure is working OK, at the very least. It shouldn't be too long before I complete it, the images are already finished so just gotta add them and write a few more texts, code it to make sense and display when I need them to, test it, add some visual flair, and clean it up so I can use this as a template for other gals.

Anyway, here's my progress so far! please give it a try here (There's no downloadable version yet, just click on the "←game page" link top left) :



password: testpink

please don't share this link

Other option (you'll have to login using your patreon account)


If you find any bugs or weird stuff, please report back here, or in the #patreon-art-talk channel over at discord.

A final note: I usually do all my online stuff on desktop, and design with that in mind, despite everything switching to mobile. Nevertheless, most images I did for this were vertical and looked better vertically, so well, I switched to that instead of landscape. Making it responsive depending on your display options was way too much work for the moment.
