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 It's Time for a change!

After thinking about this for a while, seeing how other patreon campaigns are handled, and thanks to your decisive feedback , I'm gonna change this patreon from "per creation (pack)" to a "monthly" campaign. 

This also means I should tweak the rewards to accomodate for this too.I'm doing this for various reasons, like how the "per pack" mode might be too strange for new patrons, I also wanted to take advantage of the "charge upfront" feature, which should speed up things for everyone. 

I also want to change the way old reward packs are delivered, since people can get all those with just one minimal pledge.

Here's a rundown of the changes for Monthly Campaign:

  • Artwork will be delivered for supporters in single packs (the main illustrations and its variants), instead of waiting for compilation packs with multiple folders.
  • These will be delivered via private link, where you can get them in high resolution and with their variants.
  • You'll be charged only 1 time every month, instead of 2 or 3 times (once per content pack).
  • Consequently, supporters that can voluntarily increase their pledge to compensate for the diminished campaign value, will have my deepest gratitude! (If you're a 15+ supporter, you're already doing more than enough, so don't worry!)
  • For new patrons, older rewards will be available according to their total pledge amount instead of instantly.

For these older rewards, I need to setup a new management system first, so they will be unavailable for a while (it will take me a long time to remove them though, as I have to edit all the posts one by one). Sorry about that! You'll still get the newest drawings though, so it should be ok if you're patient! :D

Thanks a lot for your support and your comments! I feel really confident in this change knowing that most of you guys appreciate what I do and want to keep seeing my drawings :D

 I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart! 

SSS ~ <(◉D) 
