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Quite late, I know! But as I was away from home for a couple days, I wouldn't have been able to draw anything until returning. And well, now that I'm back, It's time to finish some pending drawings and getting the new request batch in!

Read the rules carefully and comment below with your request! 

These are not "first come, first served"! Just make your request, don't sweat it! ;) Also, if your request wasn't done last month, you can request it again now, no problem.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, just send a message instead of a comment (the request itself will still be public though).

Now, there's of course some rules, so let's take a look:

1.- Requests are not commissions! so it's a more relaxed kind of piece, without revisions or fixing or approvals, and public. Just a simple straight-forward request!

2.- The chances to get your request done depend on your lifetime pledge.

      2.5- But you can request anyway even if you have just joined! better give it a try!

3.- Two characters max for each request (Single character requests gets better chances, though).

4.- Keep it simple! A 20 word description for the request should be more than enough.

5.- I can do a lot of fetishes, but I won't do incredibly complex machinery or intricate details.

6.- Around 2 or 3 requests will be done every month, with 1 (monthly) per patron  as tops.

7.- I'll try to give a chance to people who had less requests than others, to balance things out!

That's it! I'll be updating the rules to avoid abuse if needed. Keep it polite and reasonable!

SSS ~ <(◉D)



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