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[tl;dr: http://goo.gl/4UJ7lt ]

 Now that Patreon rolled out new statistic tools, I came to the sad realization that my supersatanson's Patreon hasn't grown anything at all in one year . After all the fake pledgers, content stealers and fee deductions are cleaned out, this hasn't grown more than 0.18%. That's pretty disheartening, yo!

So, I'll have to make some decisions here. I'm still happy drawing sexy things so I'll keep things going, but I'll definitely have to improve and change things around to engage more people I guess. That's where I DEFINITELY want to hear from you guys, dear supporters, and know what made you support me here on Patreon, what make you stay here, and what would you like to see in the future, in a broad sense.

So please, if you take the time to comment here, that'd be REALLY appreciated! I know some of you guys are always engaging and I'm very thankful to you, and this time I hope some other supporters might want to throw their 5 cents to the discussion. And if you really prefer to keep it quiet (a fair choice of course), you can also check this poll to make it quick and easy :D


Thanks to all of you!

SSS ~ <(◉D) 



Maria Luna Celeste

I had seen some of your work without realizing who you were. Played some of the Porn Bastard games and whatnot. When I found you in Hentai Foundry, I started recognizing your style and started to look for everything you had done. What finally made me say: "I will support as soon as I can!" was the Wonder Woman porn bastard game. Slutification, impregnation, transformation, futa, and eventual corruption? I must have fapped to that every day of the week I found it. So I began and continue supporting. I love the monthly bundles. The slutty mushroom powerups. Transformation and sluttying up. But what really draws me in is content like that WW game.


I came here for the art, and for the requests. : &gt; I'll keep on supporting!


I have come to appreciate your art as well as the Nintendo/Mario Bros. stuff you've done in a sense, so I've jump aboard and even got some images from you from requests and/or YCH sketches with some ideas I came up with, so that's great as well. I'd like to hang around a while to see what you come up with and maybe some ideas I can come up with can be illustrated by you, I can only hope on that, though. Honestly, I'd love to see something different, like different positions you don't normally see, something refreshing and such as well the characters I normally see from you and the ones I request, but yeah, that's generally what I would like. Good luck, sir. :)


You're free to ignore everything I say because my pledge is only a few days old or depending on who you want feedback from, you will likely find usefulness in opening this post to non-patrons since they're the people you need in order to grow. With that said... The #1 reason I give money to people on Patreon is for alt versions (primarily cum/futa versions since those are my interests). However, I didn't know that your Patreon even had alt versions available before I downloaded a pack. People may be more inclined to join if they know what they're missing out on. I recently pledged to barretxiii solely because I realize "oh shit there are alt versions of pictures that I want and I feel the art is high enough quality to give this person money for them." My other driving factor is higher resolution downloads. From a purely marketing and advertising perspective, advertising your Patreon as a tip jar is generally not a great idea. I gloss over anyone that has a starting tier as a tip jar because then I'm paying for them to tell me "you get nothing but I'll advertise all the cool stuff you aren't paying enough for." Something like "High-res and alt versions starting at just $1!" sounds a lot better to me. Lastly, if you're getting a lot of people that pledge and then gtfo or allow their decline, it may be because they can download every pack you've ever released without giving you anything (and repeat process in the future if they see something else they want). Consider sending out a download link via private message to successful pledges instead of attaching them to the post and if you want people to be able to download old stuff, have a link to an archive of previous packs as well. I hope this isn't all just unsolicited advice to you but again, you're free to disregard any or all of it. It is intended to be presented as opinion, not fact.

Jason Trent

I came to support you after all our Maid commissions and was hoping to use it as an avenue to get more, so I guess you could say I was a former customer looking for more :P I stay because I enjoy your work, and the hope to get more commissions in. I also love seeing all the stuff you come up with, like the combos. I suppose I'd like to see more opportunities for commissions, and more futa since thats what Im into. From what I've seen patreon is letting people charge up front, this might help with fake pledges at the very least <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-upfront-How-do-I-get-it-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-upfront-How-do-I-get-it-</a>


I'm currently visiting my grandparents in my home state and they don't have the best internet so responses from me might be spotty for this month but I will try to give my input. As for your sexy art I think your style is very unique and was what got me to pledge also I find your recent video game girl pin ups to be my favorite stuff you have done yet. I think more patron exclusives will give a reason for people to pledge and maybe some more interactive things like polls will make people connect more with you. Keep one making the hot and sexy art my talented friend. I wish you a great weekend!


Thanks a million for your words! I'm really glad you have enjoyed the stuff I've done with Mattis, and the rest of my lewd illustrations. If you're truly a fan of the Porn Bastards game stuff, I'm sure you're supporting patreon.com/mattisfiction as well? :D He's the mastermind behind most of the PB ideas! Anyway, once again thanks for your support and good vibes!


Thanks a lot! :D I'll keep doing my best with art and requests, those two are not going anywhere! ;)


Thanks for the comment! And thanks for supporting my stuff with YCH's and of course Patreon. About positions, I try to come up with new stuff for the YCH but also trying to consider the audience's favourite poses, and also poses that show the goods in a pleasurable way, but I'll try to discover some new stuff whenever I get the chance :)


Hello and thanks a lot for the great insight! And if you enjoy my stuff enough to support me even for one day you're already a beloved supporter :D Actually most of your ideas are really useful, specially giving more info about what's offered on my Patreon. Sometimes I'm really bad at communicating stuff to other people, so I'll have to focus more on that. The "tipjar" advice is good to, I'll modify the banners accordingly! As for pledge-and-run, private messages are a good idea indeed, but that means new supporters (like yourself even!) wouldn't be able to see any content until their pledge goes through on the following month. I might consider it though, but I'd rather focus on giving stuff to supporters than removing stuff because of robbers! Once again thanks a lot for your comment, I actually regarded all of it! :D


Hey man! Thanks a lot for the support overall, and from the beginning with the sexy maids! :D It's still a very dear collection, we need to work more on it somehow :) I agree I've been lacking on futa recently, but you can always request it as a powerup on the YCH pieces! As for charge upfront, that mode is currently working only for monthly campaign, and mine is "per reward pack" campaign, so I won't be able to use it yet. Thanks again! :D


Done, but I guess you already have an excellent level and participation man, so many artists started and never reached more than 5-10$ each month as if they put so much efforts. Don't think a lot on growing but more take care of your actual members... ^^


Thanks a lot for commenting! I'm glad you liked the recent illustrations, I'm trying to learn and develop my skills as much as I can so I'm happy people can like how it goes too. Exclusive content is indeed something that I have to develop more, or maybe advertise more since there's already alternative versions or sketches published only here. Thanks again for the feedback! Is very much appreciated :D


I'm a tad new as a subscriber, but I subbed to patreon after seeing all your really good YCH/powerup girl pics and the chance to get high res files of your artwork. I'm enjoying what you're putting out quite a lot. Gonna stick around a while if I can help it!


Thank you! I know I'm still doing good on the overall numbers, but having put effort and feeling my art improve, and then noticing how my main patreon project hasn't grow at all, makes me wonder how can I make the effort and quality (that I feel slowly getting better) reflect on Patreon's outcome. And also, having more Patreons and making the numbers grow, also means that I can draw and learn more, which in the end benefits supporters directly. If it wasn't for Patreon, I would never have the chance to use free time to draw and improve!


Thanks a lot! I'm glad everyone enjoyed powerups, they're fun and I look forward to doing more :) Welcome, and please make yourself at home!


The most obvious answer would be to do more. I have no idea how long it takes you to do your work so take that as you will but I think a good idea to do would be a project of some sorts, like PPP. It would be good to have a sort of focal point or some sort of comic that would be with all the pin-ups. I would think maybe we would have them earlier and then release them free on hf. I think that just have a big project or some small projects would give people more of a reason to help you out other than it being just a tip jar. Just my two cents.


Hello! well, the thing is I'm already at full throttle, specially last month where I left tons of other stuff behind to draw more, after all I enjoy it a lot. But I can't just abandon everything just to draw, at least not yet (specially if Patreon didn't grow at all in a whole year, hahaha!). As for more focus, I think I'll focus on Sexy Powerups for Videogame girls, as that's the most voted on the latest poll, and in general. Collections like PPP are quite compatible with that, but comics are way too much work. Thanks a lot for your advice! It's pretty in sync with the stuff I have in mind so it makes me feel a little more at ease. :D


Well SSS you summed it up exactly what the problem is: "After all the fake pledgers, content stealers and fee deductions".... :S There are indeed a lot of tricky little trolls who "raid" the content of a Patreon circle and then disappear without trying to pay or supporting the Artist for at least a couple of months. Indeed not everybody can afford to pay money regularly for XxX stuff, but I can assure you your Patreon is also VERY cheap compared to other artists (After having supported literally HUNDERDS of Artists and gathering 40 800 "good points" for regularly supporting them I should really know trust me). The problem is NOT with your Art cause it is both gorgeous and you indeed have your unique/original style so it is well worth every penny we pay to support you IMHO. So what can an Artist do against "hit-and-run troll raiders" who just try to steal content? One solution is a new feature that Patreon implemented a few months ago - and that is that Circle pledgers have to pay IN ADVANCE when they sign up/at the beginning of the month and not at the end of the month - that way even those who want to just "hit-and-run" have to pay at least one month's worth of "membership/pledge/support". An other solution is that some Patreon Artists have done - and that might work - is that you try to "limit" the access to the older content: like for example those who support you for one month have access to the last 2 months' content, those who have supported you for 2 months have access to the last 4 months, those who have supported you for 3 months have access to the last 6 months' content and so on.... you can also set a 1:3 or a 1:4 monthly ratio it is entirely up to you. Once again don't worry: the problem is NOT with you or your Art or your update-speed.... it's just the "flawed human nature" that there are a lot of cheapskates who want to get the content while not giving the Artist back anything in return.... Sad, but true..... :S


That should be a good solution indeed, but the issue with fake pledgers has diminished quite a lot thanks to patreon's own payment enforcing systems. And in the end, they're still a minority, so that's not the root of the problem. Luckily, after working more on promotion and advertising some more, this Patreon has finally grow from ~200 to ~370, which is quite good! Cheapskates stealing content are a nuisance, yeah, but there are otnumbered by the cool people who really want to support, and that's really fucking awesome! :D So thank you for being one of them! ;)