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Looks like the Mecha powerup quickly became a favourite! I also liked it a lot and wanted to make a lot of videogame robo-girls, but unfortunately this is by far the most time-consuming and detailed kind of powerup, so it's not really convenient time-wise.

Nevertheless, I thought I can maybe go with it as long as the designs are less detailed and a little sillier, instead of more serious, complex designs.

Zero suit Samus above is an example (a work in progress, still no shading

) of a more simple approach to the mecha-shroom. 

I would like to know what do you guys think, would these kind of designs be worth it to have more robogirls, instead of

very VERY scarce, but more detailed ones?

She kinda looks like megaman X, right?




This looks great even with out the shading! they would definitely be worth having, however if something dose take too much of your time feel free to comeback to it so you can work on other stuff you have to do


EAsier but really cool too I understand like the Peach that work on if will need so much time and must be so bad don't have enough for PPP or your YCH ^^