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Another month of support from you,  and I'm still thankful and kinda surprised how good Patreon turns out to be! It really is like a dream come true for artists, and even better is that they have NSFW acceptance by default. It's great to feel somewhat reassured with the service these guys offer. so yeah, Cheers! and thanks to every single one of you! :D

For today, I'm working on the latest batch of YCH still in queue, should be just 3 more, 2 of them futas. Regarding that, what's your opinion on YCH pieces?

For me, they're an excellent intermediate between regular commissions and requests, and I can draw them faster and in a more pleasurable way; and they are also cheaper so I guess that's good for customers too.

After that, I want to continue with Waifurward, the delicious girls from wayforward games truly deserve more sexy fanart.

I'll also need to work on my h-game, Lust Planet! I haven't had enough free time for that lately. If you're LVL3 supporters, you'll get the latest update as soon as we can get that ready! For the rest, there's still test versions you can try for free, have you tried it yet? :D

Next on the list: PPP.2! I have other OC-Princesses sketches I need to paint, but I guess you'd rather watch them "in action", right? Let me know what you expect from the second season of PPP!

Finally, and for some reason, the Mechashroom sketches I made were really appreciated on tumblr, so I guess I have to finish them now! what did you think about those? I'm definitely thinking about making some more mecha-girls with other characters.

Ah! this post was full of questions for you guys. I'm usually a silent kind of person and I never think much about communicating stuff, but this month I ran into lots of trouble and didn't spend much time online; so I think I better get some of the ideas out now that I got the time to write it up. 

As usual, any comment, feedback or complaints are welcome!

Thanks a lot for your support!






I love the YCH! they are always in very appealing poses and the character chosen are always amazing, sometimes even unexpected. For the second season of PPP i am expecting tentacles, more Strap-ons, and maybe some girls cover in a sticky glaze. As for the Mechashroom all i have to say is "i have never been so attracted to a Robot girl since Drossel from Fireball Charming".


Oh, tentacles! For some reason I didn't think about Squid Princesses, even if squids are so popular nowadays! And yeah, Drossel is amazing!


I really like all the sorts of powerups you do, Moo/Bimbo/Mecha, YCH pieces are pretty dang cool aswell. PPP is probably my favourite series of yours, so i'll like it no matter what. Good stuff overall, top notch.