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That's right! It's a new decade, there's tons of sexy stuff to do, but as stated on my new year resolutions, I'll try to include more supporter interaction! So let's start with some ideas I want to do, and see which one is your favorite! This will be a benefit for SatanSquire tiers and Up.

To explain a bit more about the options, here's the few Comic pages I made as a test, continuing this would be option1. Then we have Moo-Road Season 2, to draw the girls missing from the Season 1 of Moo-Road collection.  Finally, Community-Created Original Character, a brand new activity where you could comment with features, and the most voted ones get added to create a sexy girl OC! That could be fun to do just to see the results.

 I'm falling asleep at the keyboard now, so couldn't draw a cute SatanSister presenting this event! Sorry about that! 

Anyway, those are the ideas for this occasion. Can't guarantee the winner will be done right away, but nevertheless, be sure to cast your vote, and leave any doubts on your comments as well! 


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