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New display of Monster Potion in action! Taken from the suggestion box, a match made in Hell.

With this, we can truly consider  Monster Potion, Zoo/Poke amulet and fusions  as very similar powerups, since the end results can look the same. For this, I can only say I approach them on a case-by-case basis, as with most things I do. I try not to restrain myself by the powerups' description, and instead try to make the best visual outcome even if I have to bend their rules. 

Still, an unspoken rule I have for Fusions is: "Try not to mix characters from the same franchise/world". This is to avoid somewhat redundant designs that could happen. That rule does not apply to Monster Potion or Amulets, as you can see here.

Anyway, There's high-resolution NSFW and an Extra version attached below, as usual! You can share the "medium" resolution versions anywhere.




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