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For this month, let's welcome Kaijus as the concept to work with! We will expand this to any type of monsters or videogame enemies, to make a good mix of stuff to work with.

 That said, let's have a couple new powerups to go along with it!  

First,  Monster Potion, which gives the user specific monster traits, according to the monster of your choice, and Poke-Amulet, which works exactly as the Zoo Amulet, but with Pokemon instead of animals! After all, they're Pocket Monsters! it's the perfect time for it.

But, there's more! as from now on, these two items will be added to the permanent official powerup list, to use freely all year round! This is because of the Pause this month (so we can make the most of it even if I can't draw that much), and because monsters/pokemon are very very asked for ;)

Don't forget, you can use these for your own creative works if you want! You can request them on the suggestion box  as well as any other event. Let's have some great Kaiju Girls this June!

 SSS ~ <(◉D)




Great new powerups

Matt R

An older Lillie from Pokemon or Jessie with the Poke-Amulet? I'd imagine them to be an alolan Nintales and Arbork or Seviper based. If not them, then Delia Ketchum would be interesting


Being a fan of Monster Hunter, I think there's some strong potential with this.

Rathian Heart

Well, guess I'd better start coming up with some Guildmarm ideas...

Richard James

Malachite Sisters (RWBY) Poke Amulet plusle and minun.


Ok so here my suggestions I love so three characters with power ups I love to see would be