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We premiered the new rewards last month, and it went smoothly for the most part!

I got some hand cramps around last week, which slowed down drawings a little. I'm thinking about getting an extra keypad or some kind of ergonomic keyboard for my left hand, and hopefully avoid any kind of injury. Other than that, we should be good to keep the pace for April!

To Do list:

  • YCH Auction (Public)
  • Suggestion Box ($1+ tier)
  • Calendar Pinup Series ($3+ tier)
  • PPP series ( $7+ tier) 
  • Fusion series (New! $7+ tier)
  • SuperSketch Sale ($15+ tier)
  • Sketch Revenge ($60+ tier)
  • Commissions  ($60+ tier) 
  • ????? A surprise!

I'll start working on the YCH sketches for the auction, and simultaneously open the suggestion box later today. Hope you look forward to this month's goodies!




Looking forward to april. Interested in seeing what the ??? will turn out to be. Take care and don't overwork yourself