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Hey everyone! I want to throw some christmas/holiday event, but I have zero ideas whatsoever. I mean, requests will definitely be Christmas themed, but maybe we can come up with something unique as well?

Here in my country is the middle of summer, so It might be cool to do something that mixes up snowy weather, christmas celebrations, and hot summer? I don't know. 

Anyway, feel free to throw ideas or suggestions for some holiday event on the comments! 

ps: This is not for posting your requests! Those will be open in another post during this week.


Tina Marie Riis

First thing that comes to mind with that is some sort of snow demon/witch ala Elsa who is turning an idyllic summer landscape into a frozen wonderland? Or perhaps just bikinis in the style of those christmas cocktail dresses.


Christmas Bikinis sounds like a very good combo, so maybe making it a holiday powerup could work, as other have suggested before! thank you :)


Fem Santa + Cock Shroom? fem elf+bikini + Subsshroom? fem deer + Moo-Mooshroom?


Reindeer antlers could be a good tweak to the zoo amulet, or a variant for a christmas powerup too!


Why not do both sides of Crimbo? A winter-y girl and a Summer girl exchanging gifts?


Eating is always a big part of the holidays. You could have girls fixing cookies or some kind of sweet, they could do potentially lewd things with candy canes. Or they could just, you know, eat out. nyuk nyuk.


You sometimes see Christmas in July, how about Summer in December & have them doing activities that you'd do in your country. Maybe some Slime Potion to cool things off. Or hot weather stuff in a cold climate. Ice Swimming, Snow Castles, Frozen T-shirt contest. Maybe a new power-up, the Ice Carrot that turns them into Snow Bunnies with pluses to Lust, Animal Ears & Tail & gives them a bunny suit or maybe a tight sweater. & I'm always up for more Bimbo Flower, BooBoom Milk, Cock Shroom & Snu-Snu Shroom.


As an Australian; I'm all for the hot side of Christmas - mainly 'cause it is, here! Summer just kicked off as of yesterday. A good setting perhaps would be the beach? I'm all for a holiday themed power-up too!


How about 2 sisters/friends confrontations? One being the hot summer christmas spirit, and the other one the cold winter's one?


Well I see lot of cool idea's here is one there lot of holiday things you an use such as the reindeer including Rudolph of course. Another idea is maybe you can give some of the girls or do a OC female Grinch after all Grinch Stole Christmas is one of the biggest holiday shows around so I don't see why not. Also as one someone said a female snowman is good one as well as elves another Christmas thing there is also Krampus I know a demonic christmas thing but still demons can be made sexy and all. Another idea I see someone say do a girl who is in summer and winder girl giving each other gift and I can't help but think about old christmas special that I watched as kid The Year Without a Santa Claus and the Miser brothers come into mind but you can do maybe Miser sisters instead either as OC's or use two girls like say Elsa could be the Winter Miser and maybe Anna as Summer Miser and if not her use someone else that works fire and hot angel also don't forget Jack Frost. Well those idea's I can think up I hope they help out a lot if not let me know I can think of a few others.