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Rejoice! Not only 2 new Himeranger minicomics, but I finished all Easter illustrations in advance! Truly a miracle of our Lord! topping off with Angewomon from suggestbox, it was a fun month. Bunny girls are always winners.


Bimbo Bounty | Squeezing, Sliming, Squid

Samus and Daisy episodes from Himerangers are finished. Next up are the Daisy and Pauline episodes

Commissions, YCH

Klabara: (Klara - Nobara Fusion) | YCH comms

Many customer works done too, most of them go on the Bunny Girls section below:

Bunny Girls

YCH part 1 | YCH part 2 | Bunny Olivia (FE) | Crow (Nikke) | Easter Suggestbox | Easter Bunny Angewomon

Lots of bunny girls this month due to early Easter. Some commissions, some YCH, and Suggestbox too.


2 Himeranger minicomics left to do! Gonna try to get them done both during April, and then I'll continue with Plumber+Princess 2. Thanks for your ongoing support!



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