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Welcome to the World of Warcraft gold guide for Cooking! This guide will cover how to source materials for cooking, which items are the most profitable, and tips for making the most gold with this profession.

Material Sourcing:

There are two main ways to source materials for Cooking: farming and buying. Farming is generally more cost-effective, but takes more time. If you choose to farm, you should focus on high-valued materials, as these will give you the most profits. Buying materials from the auction house is generally more time-efficient, as it reduces the time you spend sourcing materials. It also allows you to scale more effectively, as you can buy more materials at a reasonable price, and thus create and sell more. Ultimately, the decision of which method to use depends on your personal preference and circumstances.

Current Cooking:

To get started with Cooking, it's best to focus on current content cooking crafts. These will get you into the market and help you understand how to make gold with this profession. Keep in mind that Cooking is a very competitive market, and you may have to relist items frequently to make sales. The most profitable time for Cooking is during raid nights (weekly resets), so you should aim to buy materials a few days before this to take advantage of price drops. Remember that Cooking is a volume-based profession, so you'll need to craft and sell large amounts to see decent returns for your time. However, it has a low barrier to entry for crafting, making it a good profession to start with if you're new to crafting in general.

Old World Cooking:

There are several old world cooking crafts that can be divided into three categories: General, Play Time, and Events. In this section, we'll focus on General crafts. One of the most profitable old world crafts is Bear Tartare, a movement speed buff food that is used for speed running and gold farming. The recipe is obtained by slaying a rare in Stormheim called Mordvigbjorn, which has a 64% chance of dropping the recipe. Another profitable old world craft is the Morale Booster, obtained through a quest with Nomi in the Broken Isles Dalaran. This craft sells slower than others, but can still bring in a decent amount of gold.

Play Time Cooking:

Play Time crafts are items that provide a benefit for a set amount of time, and are often used by players for activities such as dungeons and raids. One of the most profitable Play Time crafts is the Flask of the Whispered Pact, which is obtained through a quest in the Broken Isles. This craft is in high demand and can bring in a good amount of gold. Another profitable Play Time craft is the Flask of the Seventh Demon, obtained through a quest in the Broken Isles. This craft is also in high demand and can bring in a decent amount of gold.


Event crafts are only available during specific events, such as the Darkmoon Faire. One of the most profitable event crafts is the Darkmoon Daggermaw, a fish that can be caught during the Darkmoon Faire and sold for a high price. Another profitable event craft is the Delicious Sagefish Tail, a dish that can be cooked during the Darkmoon Faire and sold for a good amount of gold.

In conclusion, Cooking is a profession that can bring in a good amount of gold if you focus on high-valued items and have a strong sales strategy. Remember to source materials efficiently, and to focus on current and old world crafts to maximize your profits. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to making gold with Cooking in World of Warcraft.


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