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I, Love, Alchemy!

This profession has single handedly made me so much Gold it is Insane,

So today we will be going over How I go about Printing Gold With Alchemy,

Starting with Basics to my biggest money makers!

And How You Can Do It!

Let, Us, Begin.

[1]  Pots and Flasks ( Current Content )

First off it is wise to cover the basic method I use to make daily gold and that is the use of course,

Current Content Potions and Flasks.

I know, I have said this a lot, but this works so well this has got to be covered.

If you are starting out, it is wise to start with the bare bones basics of selling Potions and Flasks for the current expansion.

This not only gets you used to how the Alchemy Market works but also gives you key insights of your own sever performs that a video guide cannot tell you.

Because, Every, Server, Is, Different.

But one thing is for sure, Potions and Flasks Sell!

This is due to the fact that players buy these,

For Example with Raids,

Players tend to Buy these most frequently upon Raid Nights this is where they sell the most,

Though, it is wise to be keeping a full supply on the auction house at all times, you will want to make sure to have this supply on the auction house on Resets and Weekends as this is where you will get the most sales.

Trends are good, but do dwindle, this is somewhat good as the price for crafting these can be at a negative on those nights.

So how do I craft them?

Well, you will want to check your server for when the prices drop this can easily done by the use of the Undermine journal for the herb required for crafting and buying when the price drops to a profitable rate.

However, my rule of thumb is that, I source my materials on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, just before the EU Reset, this is where I have found that prices are at there lowest and as such I will craft them on those night!

[2]  Transmutation Master

Another great way to make gold is by utilizing the Mastery of Transmutation.

This can only be learned if you have maxed your Vanilla Alchemy, but boy oh boy is it, WorthIt!

The Proc Rate of Crafting with Transmutation Master is around 20% and on average if you craft 100 of lets say, Living Steel, the proc rate would be you'll recive 120 of them instead.

This being that you will have gotten to an extra amount of Living steel for no additional Fee only the Cost of Crafting 100.

Though, it is worth noting that it is not a definite that you will recive 120 from 100, this is just the average.

But, the point is any additional Procs are extra gold for crafting these.

Transmutes you should for this crafting I would suggest is,

TrueGold, Riddle Steel and Arcanite Bars to get you started.

Another thing to mention is that Masteries are great for the additional Proc Chance but remember that these procs only apply to crafts up to the Mists of Pandaria Expansion.

This goes for All Alchemy Masteries!

[3] Elixir Master

Next up is Elixir Master.

Now Elixirs are a funny one, this is because there are not any Elixirs that are worth crafting.

However, The Flask of the Winds and Flask of Titanic Strength are prized ones in my books as they are used in the creation of the vial of the Sands mount, which I can use the additional procs to sell out right on the auction house or even use them to make a super cheap mount than my competitors.

[4] Potion Master:

This goes quite nicely with Potion Master as there is really only one Notable Potion to create that I do every week to make more gold.

This is the Potion of Treasure Finding, I will userally batch craft a ton of these and sell my crafts on the auction house.

However, with my additional Procced Potions, I am left with the option of selling those on the auction or use them in my Cataclysm Farms so I am able to gain more Gold Per Hour when I am farming bringing my overall Returns up even further.

[5] Silas Orb of Transmutation ( Mage Tower )

Another Proc Item but not Mastery is the Silas Orb of Transmutation,

This item is obtained by doing the BFA Alchemy Tools of the Trade for this profession.

This is Because if I am crafting BFA Potions and Flasks, I am able to proc more equalling in more gold.

However, you will want to be using this correctly.

Once you have the Item, upon using it you are not garmented to gain the buff for additional procs.

You See, after pressing the item, you have a chance of generating “Silas' Potion of Prosperity.

This has Duration of one Hour, and can be pressed within that hour for a buff for 20 minutes of increasing your Procs Chance of Crafting Potions and Flask for Battle for Azeroth.

The Average is a Proc Rate of 1.7 with Rank 3 in the Potion and Flask you are Crafting or 1.3 with the base Rank.

This is a great way to increase the Items you are selling for additional Gold and must have now with the Mage Tower.

[6] Vial of the Sands

Now Last and Finally, my Biggest Gold Making Craft in Alchemy and the one I praise so much for a lot of my gold is.

The Vial of the Sands Craft.

This Recipes is obtained through the use of Archaeology from Tol'Vir Dig sites and from those sites, you have a 10% chance of crafting a Canopic Jars which have a 2% Chance of containing the recipe.

Which you MUST! Do on an Alchemist as this recipe is soulbound!

Needless to say that you will be farming for quite a long time and I will be doing a video in the future on how to obtain the recipe for yourself.

I have done one in the past which you will find in the Description, but i'm not happy with the quality of the video so a redo is in order.

The Vial of the Sands Requires, TrueGold,  The Flask of the Winds and Flask of Titanic Strength which I can use my Masteries on Two different Alchemists to proc additional items making it so every now and then I am able to gain enough for an even cheaper mount which in turn increases my gold.

With it being profitable already even more profit is welcome,

And as such this is Why I, Love, Alchemy.


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