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The Art of Flipping on the auction house is one based on buying low or under valued items and selling them on for higher amounts of gold. This can be broken down into a few different ways of flipping which are all profitable but also have the potential to make lots of gold but also has a chance of loosing gold so a clear warning of, if you cannot afford to loose the gold then do not invest into flipping on the auction house as way of making gold. If you are able and willing then we shall begin.

60% Rule:

Starting out with markets for flipping a general rule of thumb is to buy low and sell high. This can be done by using the 60% rule. You are able to look at the market value of a said item and judging these based on how the current price is reflected against this. Typically you will want to look for items like materials based at either 60% or lower and buying the and reselling for 100% of the market value. This can be a stead way of making gold when starting out with Flipping.

This rule only applies really for when you are starting with Flipping as the more time you Flip items. The more you will be able to gain a feel on which items you best will make a return on leading on in the future.

Boe Flips:

With this Flipping method you will be looking at boe items that are lower in value and resale for higher. Judging this type of flip is harder when starting out but can be aided with the 60% rule to start to gain a feel in this market. However, a good time to start boe flipping is either at the beginning of an expansion or when new content comes out. This is because new boes are added to the game and this makes them in demand as players will pay for new gear that will get them the leg up.

When it comes towards new Expansions this is a great way to sell boes for gold. This is because the new boes in the game will be lower in supply which means you are able to snag low valued ones and resell for higher much easier as the price will can be dictated by yourself. Though there is always a form of risk with any flips and this needs to be factored in. you will want to look for items of not which players will pay for faster.

This can be Shoulders, Helms and Weapons. These generally sell fast in expansions and new content and can be a good way of flipping for gold. Following onto this you can always see which boes are best for specific classes and judge this by that as well, but when starting out with this you may want to see which items are something you would pay for to get yourself ahead and buying the low valued ones and reselling for higher as this is something you will have a better understanding on as this will mainly be the class you play and as such you will know more of what you are looking for for other players.

Vendor Flips:

In regards to Vendor Flipping, this is one of the easiest ways of flipping and most gold makers can apply this. This is the practise of using a vendor to trade an item from the auction for another item of higher value. A good vendor flip in the spirit of harmony vendor which is located within the Vale of Eternal Blossom. Here you are able to trade Spirits of Harmony for other Pandaria materials. You will want to look at what the spirit of harmony is going for and cross reference this with the different materials for the best return based on sell rate and gold return.

Another way of vendor flipping is through the use of the Ink Trader which you can Trade a Expansion Specific ink for all of the other inks. This can be done by looking at the Price of the Specific Ink and looking at the other Inks available of the auction house. This is also another way of reducing the cost of Glyphs with Inscription and can increase your returns with this.

Lastly we have a keynote one of the Frozen Orb vendor. This is Located in the Northrend Dalaran where you will want to head to the vendor next to the auction house in Dalaran. Here you will be able to buy Frozen Orbs which then you are are able to move to the other vendor in the city next to the Engineering Trainer. Here you will be able to trade these Frozen Orbs in for Eternals and sell these on the auction as well. Though cross referencing is the key to most vendor flips and should be made habit as to not loose gold.

Market Resets:

The act of Resetting a current market is by buying out the inventory of items on the auction house and relisting them for a lot higher. Though this does have some risk involved as if you where to reset items from a current expansion, they will adjust back to normal faster than old items on the auction house. The trick is to buy items which are not so flooded but do sell.

Volatiles are a good market for resetting as they sell rather fast but also the supply is not a constant stream moving into this. You will want to see the cost you are up fronting and then deciding on a reasonable gold value for resale. A general way of doing this is increasing the overall price by 50 to 100% as to not over value your items you are reselling on the auction house.

A common mistake is players reset markets which easily adjust and this is where they fall short. The best way to to look at your server and see what is under valued and resting to a reasonable price for resale.


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