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1. Panther Mounts

For panther mounts I wanted to cover this as quite a few people can use Transmute Mastery to there advantage in order to reduce the cost of this mount. Most people that craft panthers will tend to find that the Gems ( Wild Jade, Sun's Radiance, Rivers Heart, Primordial Ruby) used to created these mounts are expensive to buy and prospect as well as the upfront cost of Living Steel and the base vendor mat cost. Though we can't do much about the Vendor Mat cost we can however do a lot about the Gems and Living Steel. Using our Transmute Master we can increase the amount of gems and Steel made by a rate of 18% which meaning if you craft the gem with Alchemy ( i.e. 1x Sunstone + 1x Golden Lotus = 1x Sun's Radiance ) we will be able to craft these for cheaper as we will produce more for our next mount which will reduce in price. This also goes for Living Steel with transmute which i'll explain more about in Bullet Point 2.

2.  Transmutes to do

in regards to my video about transmutes and how powerful Transmute Master is I thought it would be best to give you a heads up on which transmute are worth your time as there are quite a few that are not due to slow sellers and low prices. Living Steel, TrueGold, Titanium Bars, Arcanite Bars these are all the best selling transmutes you can do on an Alchemist and I would highly suggest doing these in your daily crafting as these tend to sell quite regularly due to them being used in multiple different crafts and knowing that with transmute master we can get around 18% more of these mats just from having transmute master we will be able to be more competitive when it comes to selling these mats. I myself have already started seeing some nice returns in the last week and that is doing it on a smaller scale.

3. Legendary Market

We have seen an influx into what is happening when it comes to Crafted Legendaries and though prices are dropping on a few of the lower ranks due to the over saturation in the mat base this does open our self up to ranking our ranks up faster for cheaper so we can get into this market still. Though the upfront cost to do this on a profession like Blacksmith it is well worth your time in doing as the profit potential is pretty strong as we get to the Rank 3's and Rank 4's. For me I would be focusing on the Legendaries that are likely to sell that being, Rings, Necks, Weapons, and Helms judging by looking at the market this is a good place to start as they sell faster than most of the other craft so this is a way you can start small and build up from there.

4. Old Content Farms WorthIT?

Now as prices of Shadowlands base mats have dropped in price we will need to look into other forms of making gold to off set the amount of people farming the Shadowlands mats. This is to hopfully stay ahead of the curve of trends but to be more specific we will want to look at farms such as Cata ( Herbs, Ore), BC Rep Items ( Basilisk eyes ) and Collectables ( battle pets, Quest Items) these always tend to sell for quite high and normally sell rather well of course base mats will sell the fastest but it is not always wise to put all of your eggs in one basket. I would suggest though doubling down on these types of farms until 9.1 when more content comes out but until then we will see a lull and we should try expanding on our existing rotations.

5.Scaling Smart

Now in regards to scaling your gold making the simplest way I would put it is to first Cut the fluff, so that would mean if your are doing something that take a sizable amount of time either that be Crafting or Farming then I would stoop doing that and increasing what is providing the best return.

For scaling these you can then reallocate this extra time into other areas where we increase the varitiy as to not over saturate one area of the market leading to a price reduction and to also expand our supply on other markets. This is where I have dropped a lot of the my daily smelting down to a few ( Enchanted Elementium and Dark Iron Bars) as those have a good return and I have cut the rest as a lot were giving me only a small return for a sizeable amount of downtime which I could best use this in another area in my gold making. I have now decided to move into the Legendary market but focusing on high selling medium profit items as those will give me the best ROI in the Long term as opposed to the short term.


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