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Hey folks! I just want you to know that this week's page is delayed. Due to a lot of reasons including losing my day job I had to pack my apartment of 8 years and move 3,000 miles east. I'm moving closer to my family support network in New Hampshire.

Everything about this has been a lot more than I had expected. I had more stuff than I thought I needed to pack. And I'm having to man the driving wheel most of the way instead of co piloting and drawing as I go. The end result is I lost 5 days of work and am really behind.

Please bear with me and stay tuned as I am working on the next page and getting it out as soon as possible :).



wow i'm sorry to hear that though, please take care


We just got everything in. It's been rough though. Colorado to New Hampshire in 3 days 2 nights spent in a large tent setting up in the dark and one night in a simple cabin. All the way taking my poor kitties. The tent was so cold they climbed in our sleeping bags.