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Hey folks! I got news on the next miniseries and I really wanted to mark the occasion of breaking the $100 support mark! Seriously thank you all so very very much! This is the first milestone on my road to being able to do this full time!

There are about two pages left in the Trust series and I have finally finished writing the next! Per the votes tallied the winner is "A Better Man" with "Mothers Day" coming close second which means I'll probably be writing that next!

I confess I was a bit worried with A Better Man, I was struggling to see where and how it would end. What the actual story arc would be. It's hypnosis / mind break fetish themed but I realized that such a theme the story always ENDS with the mind breaking machine. What poses a challenge is my story has the mind breaking near the beginning.

The weeks went by drawing Trust and I still had my usual vague outline (honestly that's where I always start. Then I just go with it and the story comes forth without any effort whatsoever) but I just couldn't see where "A Better Man" was going. Finally it came to me. What is it like to be the one brainwashed? How does it distort your world?

I'm not creating some artsy piece, this first and foremost is EROTIC but it's going to be one hell of a trip I promise you! The heavy themes are cuckoldry, public knowledge of the cuckoldry, femdom, pegging, feminization and of course bisexuality!

I seriously seriously can't wait to start showing this great story to you. Journey into the world of a man whose mind was broken and woke up better. 



I love all of those themes, and how you're presenting them, and you're doing awesome work