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Hey folks! I know it's been a while since I've run a poll (in part bc I'm going with longer miniseries like past polls indicated we should go for!)

Today I was sitting there thinking about future miniseries possibilities and thinking about an odd fetish of mine that's slowly growing. Warping the soon to be submissive's mind with a battery of hypnotic suggestion and sex. One image I love comes to mind, this scenario where a cute guy is strapped into a machine fucking him repeatedly while a headset over his eyes chants over and over things like "you don't get to be straight", "you want to get railed by nerdy guys" (this image had a cross fetish of nerdification lol), his expression through the goggles blanking as he succumbs to what's being done to him.

Out of this I started to toy with an idea, a bit rougher than my other miniseries. The idea is a miniseries in which the bored wives of a little cul-de-sac all conspire to warp their husbands into their obedient sluts as part of some conspiracy for them to be free to enjoy the new bachelor who has moved in. Sort of turning the neighborhood into his personal playground. Something like that, very early in the idea process for this one. 


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