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Hello, everyone! (And an extra hello to many new people!)

Here is the awkward embarrassing evergreen-ly weird and cringey post where I tell the internet what I had published last year that's eligible for various awards this year.

If you nominate for these things, please consider giving this stuff a look! If not, please consider doing so, many SFF awards, like the Locus, are free to nominate and vote, and many more require a simple small fee or membership at a convention or in a group. 

Erm. So yes! Onward. Maybe. (Honestly my brain is made of cream cheese and despair right now so if I forgot something you know I did last year, seriously, remind my dumb ass and I'll add it.)

Novel (Especially Lodestone, Andre Norton Nebula, Locus YA, etc)

Osmo Unknown and the Eightpenny Woods 

Now...without getting into details, this book, meant for both kids and adults, did not exactly get a wide readership, in large part because...let's just say it had very little support from the...er...universe. I was gutted to find out that support would not be manifesting, and I'm terribly proud of this book. It is what I made of my pandemic dread. Please do give it a read--I'll even provide a review ecopy if you like. At this point, while I don't expect it, some kind of nomination is the only thing that might give this poor baby a little life. However! That's not actually your responsibility so if you don't care or didn't like it, that's completely fine!


The Difference Between Love and Time 

I genuinely think this is one of the best things I've ever written, and whether you nominate it for anything or not, I just want you to read it--my whole mixed-up jumbled garbage heart is in there.

Graphic Story

Precious Things, Little Earthquakes 30th Anniversary Graphic Album 

Best Related Work/Fan Writer

Now, I'm not saying any of these things are necessarily worthy or good, but people have talked about nominating them so I'm listing them in case you want to. I am not always the best judge of my own related works! Awkwardness intesifying! Escape hatch!

Sebastian's Rocketship (Build thread and all photos under the link. If by some chance this carboard love letter does get nominated I'll do a big flashy How and Why essay)

Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media (Long-form essay on the history of social media, geek culture under capitalism, and how to move forward from disaster)

The Great American Farscape and the History of Television Essay 

Thank you in advance if you do read or nominate or in any way care about my work, and thank you if you don't, but for some reason got this far into a post anyway.

Now that jetlag has mostly finished flaying me and I've put out almost (not all!) of the fires that ignited while I was gone, regular posting will commence shortly! Thanks for your patience as well.



Owen Smith

Not sure how I managed not to acquire Osmo before now, but that oversight has been rectified and I look forward to reading it. I very much suspect a copy will also need to be added to my niece’s bookshelf, and if the local library doesn’t already have it, they’ll be getting a recommendation shortly


I pre-ordered Osmo so the hardback has been with me since it came out but I tend to save up your books for a bad day. You know, like a treat for myself. I did start reading it yesterday and am already in love!! Plenty of time left to nominate it for a Lodestar. ♥️