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Here is your monthly place to chat and get to know each other! Feel free to talk about anything, but be kind, this is a safe place.

How are you all feeling?



Hi, I hope that everyone is doing well :) My name is Riaz and I'm an illustrator and designer. Since reading the "Orphan's tales" a few months ago, I've fallen head over heels in love with what writing could bring to my creative practice. I look forward to exploring that with everyone! P.s. Could somebody please tell me how to access the Discord room? Thanks in advance

Dave Hogg

I'm worried about Cat's back! However, I did survive having to cover a football game in a stadium with 106,000 people in it on Saturday. After 18 months of hiding my high-risk family in what seemed like permanent lockdown, it was more than a little stressful going into a massive mob of people. I'm glad to be working again, but ... that was a little too much. That's a big city in one big bowl.