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Here is your monthly place to chat and get to know each other! Feel free to talk about anything, but be kind, this is a safe place.

How are you all feeling?


Beth Johnson

I'm overly busy but happy with two great jobs and a teenage son who finally seems to have accepted that high school is not a terrible thing. Or at least that it's a thing he has to deal with. I had completely started working from home at the beginning of 2020, so when everything shut down, the main thing I missed was travel. The main thing I still miss is travel. This year, my goal is to separate my work life from my personal life, even though both are at home. If I can't travel, I need to give myself work breaks that feel like work breaks. I have put together a separate work space in my office that has now become my studio set up (I'm a science journalist and co-host of a show/podcast). I eat lunch and dinner away from my desk. I read during those times. And if I'm not working, I try to go to my gaming desktop and play there. I miss people, too. I particularly miss hanging out with my friends at Disneyland. I'm not sure when I'm eligible for the vaccine since I have health issues that raise me up the list, but our county is being very slow on giving them out. We're still taking care of healthcare professionals and people over 65 or 75. Wednesday made me feel amazing. I cried. I realized a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders; that I had been holding my breath for four years. But now the real work begins again.

Kevin Oaks

Yep, the key to working from home is separating work from your personal life. I've been working from home since 2013ish, so I was lucky that I had some practice! The pandemic complicates things since some things like business lunch on Friday or working at different coworker's homes is not really feasible.

Judy Craft

I am actually reading for pleasure again, I'm reading the _Laundry Files_ by Charles Strosser instead of doomscrolling the news