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Like a lot of these recipes, this one is not technically mine, but I’ve made my own little alterations to it. This one belongs to my sister-in-law.

Whenever there’s a family potluck get together thing, everyone says excitedly OMG MIRANDA IS BRINGING HER BROCCOLI BETTER BE FAST

To which I hear you say: what? Broccoli? No one has ever been excited about broccoli in the history of the world (except one time when I was two month spregnant an dI ate a whole tray of plain roasted broccoli because I couldn’t stop and I still don’t know how to feel about it). Frankly, I don’t even really like broccoli. I was SKEPTICAL when my family kept assuring me that if I didn’t get in there fast, the broccoli would be gone before I could have any.

Well, I was fast and it was gone and the reason why is because this is sheer crack in vegetable form. Hence, my name for it, which is Craccoli. I would eat a whole tray of this not even pregnant. Just regular one-hearted human me. It’s that good. It’s crispy and garlicky and chewy and awesome and so amazing the next day toasted up with a fried egg on top.

So obviously I made improvements to her recipe when I got home because I YAM WHAT I YAM. And what is that? KIND OF ANNOYING.

And now I pass the Craccoli on to you. Use your power wisely and only for good.


1 quite large or two small to medium heads of broccoli (in general, the stuff below accompanies one big head of broccoli, if you have more than one head, unless they’re wee, increase the rest accordingly)

4 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

3 large garlic cloves, minced

1/4 cup grated parmesan

1/4 cup Italian breadcrumbs

1 heaping tablespoon lemon zest

Craccoli Is Waccoli

Preheat oven to 400.

Line a big baking sheet with parchment paper. You want all the broccoli to have their own dance space, no piling up. And yes, it has to be parchment, not foil. It’ll stick and get too hot too fast. 

Trim broccoli heads and cut into florets. Cut big florets in half, you don’t really want any pieces longer than your thumb. Little pieces are fine, too.

Throw broccoli in a big mixing bowl. Add oil, spices, garlic, and zest. Toss to coat.

Add cheese and breadcrumbs, toss to coat again.

Spread all that goodness on the baking sheet. Sprinkle the leftover breadcrumb-cheese-yum mix over the top of the broccoli. 

Roast for 20-25 minutes or until veggies are soft, tips are crisp, and breadcrumbs have turned golden brown.

Get in there and eat it fast before everyone else hoards it like toilet paper.



Marzie Kaifer

And I have a beautiful organic broccoli in the fridge right now... Breaking out my GF breadcrumbs!

Nicole J. LeBoeuf

Have finally made this tonight - discovered this post about the same time I was wondering "What do I do with these two heads of broccoli from the farm?" - and it is ADDICTIVE AS ADVERTISED. Thank you!