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I made this video to celebrate Sebastian's first year of life on earth. We decided it felt pretty personal and familial, so I didn't want to post it on social media at large.

But the thing is, without you guys, we would never have been able to afford to have this baby and give him all the things he needs. You've been part of our family, keeping house and heart together through all our recent trials. This little guy is all round-cheeked and happy in part because of your support and love and kindness, and you deserve to see our family video as much as anyone. 

So here come dat boi, year one. Thank you to everyone for all you've done for us, we could never, ever forget it.


Seasons of Sebastian 2018

This video is about Seasons of Sebastian 2018


Molly McEnerney

There are not enough heart and happy face emojis in the Universe! And then s00j and the Jester show up, and I need exponentially more!

Christine Swendseid

It has been an honor and a privilege to be able to contribute to your family's well being. Your writing has certainly improved my life, and I'm just damned glad to be able to pay it back. <3