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This is your monthly open discussion post, a place to vent, chat, share, and conversate about anything and everything you could want. I'll be here and available to reply, but this is your space, to create the kind of community here you want, and make connections with each other.



Jeremy Brett

Trying to withstand the typical Texas summer heat. Luckily, I work in a special collections library that by university regulation must be kept several degrees cooler than the rest of campus, so that's a mercy.

Vladimir Barash

Auuugh sooo tired. My non writing job has been absurdly intense lately. I have my own team now, which is exciting, but I have to train them, which is hard. I think it will calm down in a few weeks, once they learn the ropes! It's great to hear from everyone, especially the folks running stuff. I am technically running a campaign and playing in two... and ALL OF THEM went on hiatus this Summer due to travel and folks having kids. Well, maybe two of them are coming back, so I am cautiously optimistic for more TT gaming soon!! I guess I am also working on a homebrew TT game, which is also a video game? Maybe? I am slowly, very slowly making progress on it. Fingers crossed I'll get to write this weekend!