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Greetings Patroneers!

Way back in April we announced a LABORATORY RANDOM TEST SUBJECT POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT LOTTERY GOAL, and as announced earlier this month thanks to your incredible support we achieved that goal.

So we engaged the Sentient Robotic Arm Who Hangs Around But No One Is Exactly Sure Of Their Origin Or Motives to point its metal digit at a random name on our Big List of Patrons and the winner I am pleased to announce was *drumroll*.... Agnes Kamasi!

Agnes kindly said yes to our polite request to shout her name from the laboratory rooftop and make a big fuss. So congratulations Agnes!

Detailed here for posterity and funsies and because we here at the Lab are pretty pleased with what we managed to throw together is what the USPS will be dropping her way very soon.

1.) A signed copy of The Glass Town Game

2.) A signed copy of The Future is Japanese anthology in which my story One Breath One Stroke appears.

3.) A signed Advance Reader Copy of The Refrigerator Monologues.

4.) A congratulatory postcard from me. (The postcard is from the Imaginales Festival I went to in Epinal, France this year, you can't see the other side in the photo it but trust me it is very pretty.)

5.)A Habitation of the Blessed Promotional Bookmark. (We dug back into the archives for that one...)

6.) An Urban Dollkiss Orange Paprika Hand Cream (for proper moisturising before handling prizes.)

7.) A 3W Clinic Potato Face Mask (to be applied before reading for that authentic tuberous state of mind.)

8.) A pair of 100% UV blocking sunglasses. (To protect our winner's eyes from whole Laboratories incandescent love and gratitude also enclosed in the package.) 

9.)  A moon and stars sleep mask. (In case the recipient is so overwhelmed she needs to have a little lie down.) 

10.) The Fancy Pen Wot The Author Did Use To Sign The Books and Write the Postcard

11.) A Tooth Shaped USB key containing a motley assortment of digital delights. Audio short stories, ebooks and other such things, many of which are of a Rare And Exclusive Nature.

12.) A linen Tote Bag to hold it all. (Extra points for anyone who can identify which convention it hails from...) 

AND THAT IS THE LOT. Thanks Agnes. Thanks everyone. 

And next month there will be a new winner! For whom we will throw together a new package. IT COULD BE YOU, WHO CAN SAY?




Thank you so much! :D

Jim Lloyd

Wow. That's quite a haul! Congratulations Agnes!