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Look what new beastie just arrived at the Lab!

Yes, it's The Glass Town Game, my middle grade fantasy about the Bronte siblings, out in just three short weeks! You can pre-order it here, and if you can, please do. Pre-orders can make a huge difference for a new book--publishers and bookstores pay attention. 


I have this here box of copies and it's so looooong till September 5th! So leave a comment on this post by midnight EST and I'll draw two names, both to receive signed copies mailed out tomorrow. (They have to be--I'm leaving for Poland on Sunday! I'll post exclusive pics from the trip here, don't you worry.)

In other news, I haven't live-tweeted the movie yet because it just hasn't felt appropriate with everything going on in Charlottesville. When people are trying to get important information from Twitter, I haven't felt like cluttering up their feed with comedy was the right thing to do. When the air clears a little, me and the X-Men will be right there lightening the mood. 

With everything that's going on in the world, thank you for holding your heads high and being the wonderful people you are. Thank you for your support for the art I make--I have to believe it's still important in this madness. I love you all. Squeeze your people tight and fight on.



Andra B.

Also pre-ordered, but it looks sooo pretty and I don't have any signed books of yours!