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Hello, beloved members of the Mad Fiction Laboratory!

Today one of my mutant creations, The Refrigerator Monologues, shambles out into the world. It's essentially The Vagina Monologues for superheroes' girlfriends. Funny, punky, pissed off, postmodern, chilled in the crisper drawer. 

You've probably seen me babbling about the book elsewhere, but I wanted to do a special giveaway just for you guys, since my loyalty is as ever to the Lab. So leave a comment on this post to be entered in a random drawing to win a signed copy--I'll choose two winners by tomorrow morning, since I know we have a lot of time zones represented here.

If you want to cut out the middle man and get one right this second, it's up on Amazon  and Barnes and Noble  and everywhere else.

Thank you all for your support and patience during these awful past few weeks. Here's hoping the bad of the summer is over and it's all sunshine from here on in.



Sean Elliott

You were brilliant last night at Pandemonium! Thanks for making the Monologues happen. The one you read was scathingly wondrous, and I am sure the others are as well.

Lisa Rabey

I am super excited to read this and as everyone else has said, congrats on the new book baby.