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Hi everyone!

I covered this a few months ago when Patreon changed everything all around for whimsy, as they are wont to do, but I wanted to make sure the new new folk are aware:

If you clicked the free tier button thinking that was sort of…the whole of it…as Patreon led you to believe so, you know, totally understandable…you’re missing most of the content. There will be an occasional free post, but most of the goodies are under the tiers. The $5 one gets you the main content package every month, with extras getting spicier from there. Access to the Discord server is unlocked with literally any amount.

Patreon is how I feed my kid and cats (photos of whom feature largely here!) and myself so I am sorry to hide literature under tiers, but this is a hard world and everything costs too much. I know we all know. These kinds of posts are just screamingly awkward to write.

So…yeah. Just saying and all…if you want to see the things I make here, Patreon tricked you and those tiers over there are how you actually do it.

All my love, this months rewards going up this weekend, I hope your summers are summering excellently.



Ian Gazzotti

The free/following tier is kinda broken as it is, 'cause most artists forget to make a public post every once in a while. Patreon should send a monthly reminder or summary or something when the people we follow have posted something, even if it's locked, just to show that they're still active. (Yes, there's social media, but a lot of artists have abandoned them after the fall of Twitter, or don't advertise their Patreon there because The Algorhithm makes those posts falls into obscurity. It's all broken. Sigh.)

A. N. Hyatt

It's why I've had to leave Patreon completely. First, for the fact that they disappeared anyone who did any kind of work that featured nudity, even the fine artists like me, and removed us from Search and then the free tier. I lost patrons. Which is a long way of saying, please support Cat if you can and up your tier! I'm broke, or I'd already be there.