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Ok, I admit it. I saw it on a diner menu but I was being a brat and figured I could reverse engineer that idea for way less.


But I was right, though?

It's all pretty simple, really. The big improvement was adding half a box of brownie mix. It makes the waffled crispier on the outside and more dense inside. Without, the pure cake version is very floopy, which is not a quality one seeks in eligible waffles.

I think I'm mildly obsessed with forcing my waffle iron outside its comfort zone, honestly. I'd recommend topping with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Maple syrup still goes surprisingly well, but a little chocolate sauce never hurt anyone neither.

It's just...real good and real stupid.

Ingredients (makes 6)

1/2 box chocolate cake mix

1/2 box brownie mix

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Butter, eggs, and milk in amounts listed on boxes (see below)

Extra 2 tablespoons butter for brushing, melted

Literally Could Not Be Easier

Prepare according to box instructions, but substitute equal amounts butter for oil, milk for water, and add an extra egg (standard Fancy Bakery Sneaky Mix procedure--this is what actual cake decorators often do to get their basic cake).

Using a pastry brush, coat both surfaces of the waffle iron with melted butter. Scoop 1/2 cup mix onto center of iron, cook until the light says done, repeat until all goop is gone.

You'll die of chocolate overload, but I mean...we all have to go somehow?




We did this with a lemon cake mix once and enjoyed it enormously. I'm about to have a diabetic coma just reading your recipe for decadent chocolate bliss.

Andrea Wahle

We make French Toast in the waffle iron. Texas Toast bread is thick enough to handle being squished and small enough to fit in the squares in our iron. Your waffles look fantastic!