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Preview images for my Tavern Replacer remake, commission version.




great stuff as always ! How long do you think it will take until you're done with all the NPCs ? and after that, will it be the moment you start working on the ennemies ?


Very cute


it will be done when it's done, shouldn't be too far from now. After I am done with the npc's I intend to start working on enemies, as well as periodically remake my older mods, I might start with that, in fact.


good to know ! I also had a suggestion, unless you already have that plan : perhaps making the items and curios in your style ? Also, for the remake of the mods, do you think you'll have to start over from the beginning in terms of sprites and animations, or will you be able to build the new version on the old one ? idk how working on this kind of stuff looks like so that's why I ask ^^'


I might make curios and items at some point, not really something I consider to be a very high priority though. I would not be starting entirely from scratch with the remakes, I should be able to reuse some stuff.


there might be a solution to make at least one of the loot in your style quite quickly (a bit like how you used the work you did on the Ancestor to make the statue), and its in the Shrieker's nest, where there is a bust : perhaps there is a way to take it, upgrade the lines and shades a bit and put it in the game ? its not an order, just a suggestion if you wanna experiment a bit early ^^