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Here is the first Progress Report for the Musketeer mod.

The first step I make with the mods, making very basic sketches to figure out the poses and general concepts of the different sprites and attacks, to then use as a guideline for the next step, which is drawing the actual body.

I tweaked the base design based on some feedback, I increased the size of her thighs and ass a bit and adjusted the musket and her right arm.




Question, sire. From what i understand only two left are arbalest and musketeer... what will happen after thee finishes those two?


After I am done with the Arbalest and Musketeer I will make mods for the remaining town NPC's, then I will get started on enemy mods, as well as periodically going back to update my older mods.


Whenever you post Anything I'm happy to see your amazing work as always can't wait! ~


I cant wait to see the first modded ennemies :)