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My current concept for the Templar Impaler boss.



Chapter Master Bel

Might I recommend something? Perhaps some simple womb tattoos or armor could add to the design a bit?


At some point the actual developers are going to see this and be like, "OK you obviously put a lot of care and effort into this why don't you come work for us", it's going to happen.

Chapter Master Bel

Perhaps it works as like, an icon hanging on chains that go around the waist? The metal symbol just happens to line up where a tat would be. Either way, the design is pretty good!


I just love your mods, keep up the good work ! I was wondering if you have or are planning to have a discord account or server ? that would be great to discuss about the mod or other things :)


I do not have a Discord server, no, and I don't really plan to, for a couple of reasons. I do hang out on the Lustiest Lair Discord server quite a bit though, so if you want to discuss something with me you can find me there.