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My current concept for the Bone Captain enemy.

Back from my break, thank you for your patience.




Good to see you well


Looks powerful. It's so cool how you do all those eyes flashy and shine.


Welcome back :D


One of the best designs yet, love it!


Metal as Fuck.


I like this one a lot! ~


I'll be honest, I barely noticed you were on break. When most patreons take a break for burnout or injury or whatever, they're gone weeks or months.

Matthias Zimmermann

sooo, i was wondering after all the Enemies are sexified, will there be a mod to get them all in one go?


What resources/tools do you use? Your work is incredibly well made.


What about for skeletons? Never used photoshop so not sure if it has something similar implemented or if you use another program.


I thought so, do you use the basic version or did you invest in the professional version? I heard you run into issues with the normal version. I hate to ask so many questions but in order to dabble in the art I might as well query someone who's genuinly good at it.


I bought the professional version, mostly because it allows me to use meshes (what I use to "bend" images, how I make the breasts bounce for example.). I don't mind the questions, don't worry.


That's good, hate to be a bother. Mainly had questions for what programs you used. Definitely gotta work on the art side first so gonna invest in photoshop. Then later spine once I've improved on that. Is there any tip/tricks you can give that would be helpful for anyone aspiring to create content in the same vein as yours?


Besides general art stuff I can't really think of anything, best advice I can give on that front is find an artist you like and copy them (as in how they do specific things), great way to improve in the beginning from my experience. Also I believe there is a free alternative to Spine called Dragonbone (or something like that), never used it myself but I hear it gets the job done.


I appreciate the advice. I'll definitely try that and I'll look into Dragonbone. As long as it does what I need it'll be welcomed but if not I'll shell out the money for spine. Regardless I'll be here supporting you seeing what you're up to next. Might have some other questions further down the line but for now it's up to me to apply the things I've learned here and to improve upon the talents I need to develop for this endeavor. I look forward to more of your work, keep up the stellar job!