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My current concept for the Large Carrion Eater enemy.




Would definitely make fighting them more enjoyable


the legs+tail looks a little funky to me


Same. Maybe it would look better with the legs OR the tail but not both.


Great design, i love it!


Yeah, at this design I would rather have the tail like a snake girl. It could make her much different from other monsters. Something like Naga sort of thing


Amazing desing, but she could go better without legs imo. The tentacle hair is awesome and the smug on the face 😏

Cass Griffon

Insect-squid lamia waifu is life. As others have pointed out, the design is great but the legs make it feel a bit off. Perhaps remove the legs and just fill in the empty space with an extra set of larger tentacles or a pair of insectoid mandible-esque arms?


Cool concept, I agree that the legs aren't necessary but that can be changed later, will there be a second mouth incorporated at some point?


I like the legs and have no intention of removing them, partially to make it more in line with the smaller Carrion Eater and also because I just like having the legs. That being said I am probably gonna do more traditional lamias for the Shieldbreakers snake enemies.


Don't really want to remove the legs to be honest, I am a big fan of legs. That being said I am probably gonna do more traditional lamias for the Shieldbreakers snake enemies.


You mean the xenomorph esque tongue mouth that the original enemy has? Probably going to skip that.

One Sad Bear

Gotta say Im really not seing the problem with the legs, to me it feels like its like how an angler fish has the shiny light infront of it to trick its prey, the girl at the front isnt actually "real" and is kinda there to trick/confuse you long enough to eat you


Definitely enjoy the legs. Not quite sure how I feel about the one large tail/tentacle. Makes her look imposing like a big monster should but feels a little out place in contrast with all the smaller tentacles. Perhaps more medium-ish tentacles underneath propping her up instead? I'm also horribly biased and hoping to see more ass with it out of the way.