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After giving it some more thought I am now a little uncertain about the nude version design for the Antiquarian. 

I decided that my general design philosophy for the nude versions going forward will generally be that I keep the clothing above the shoulders and below the mid thighs. Which in this case would mean the design on the right here.

I am a little uncertain though, since I can also see the logic in making the nude and clothed versions very different from each other. In this case the mouth would not be visible in most sprites if I go with the design on the right, but I also do think it looks nicer overall, since the clothing on her shoulders and neck makes the nude parts stand out more. Another reason I started to take issue with the design on the left is because it was too different, it wasn't really recognizable as the Antiquarian anymore.

I would be interested in seeing more perspectives on this. The line art is mostly done besides this, so you can expect the proper progress report soon.




Oh here is another idea that could possibly make things better for everyone that wants to see anti face but also wants scarf make the scarf smaller?

Wise Lenny

I believe that the scarf makes her look much better , as clothing tends to compliment the skin if it fits well enough.


Prefer scarfless If only for keeping the pouty face exposed. Do appreciate that extra bit of emotion like what you gave with flag by showing eyes. But would be alright with scarf version.


I always prefer a more clothed but still nude/exposed in most of these situations tbh


i like the left more but lacks that Antiquarian look to her. will if u do go with the left one u can draw some charms and relics on her to give it that Antiquarian look


I feel that the more clothed version feels a little less coherent do to the sudden change from full nudity to fully clothed. It does however, retain the visual identity of the character, as the scarf would help with visually associating the nude version with the clothed version. Where as the fully nude version feels more coherent, as it lacks the sudden change mentioned before. However, it does loose that sense of visual identity. Which, as a result, causes it to feel far more generic as it looses alot of its visual association with not only the clothed version, but with the character itself.


Have others have said, the scarf gives her more of an antiquarian vibe and is stylistically similar to the rest. The open face is very nice though.

Cass Griffon

Scarf good. No scarf also good. Both good. Do what right feel.


I definitely like the version on the right better, but I think you could leave even more stuff on her. Comparing to the concept art redesign (since I don't have access to progress reports), I think you could still leave the necklace, the belt and the pouch(es?) hanging from the belt on her.


I say no scarf, personally. And I do agree with HoodieGal. Losing the scarf but keeping the baubles and accessories like necklaces/talismans/pouches etc. would look lovely on a nude body.


for the nude version I want to generally leave the chest (at least on the front), the waist and upper thighs uncovered, so I don't really want to add the belt and pouches.


Both look really good, but as you say scarf identifies her as antiquarian so I would leave it that way personally.


I like the scarf